Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Oh dear :\

Already a week ago that I last posted something. I've been ill all week, and I still am. Which is crappy, considering the fact that I was supposed to start my new job on monday. After spending a couple of days on the couch basically just boring myself, I thought I could log onto irc for a bit. Cause I was so extremely bored. I didn't have anything else to do, so I figured why not? So there I was again, using irc entire days. And I realized that I didn't quit without reason. I just don't know how to control myself when I'm online. So no irc for me anymore for the time being.
So basically it comes down to this: It's okay to be extremely bored, and do nothing, as long as I don't get on irc. Somehow it still doesn't satisfy me ;p
I want to get out, I want to go somewhere, I want to do something. I don't want to wait for my life to be over. Oh, and I would like some energy.

I love my life...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Good will

I had a jobinterview today. But today I woke up without a voice, my throath hurted like hell. Bummer.
Why of all days, why this day? I went to the jobinterview anyway. It kept getting worse though. And when I finally sat there, I was shivering. Wonderful. A fever. Timing. Couldn't've planned it better myself. Why? When I finally decide to pick things up again, I get this. I guess someone doesn't like me ;p
Anyways, I'm kinda proud that I went to the jobinterview when feeling this sick. If that doesn't show that I _really_ want that job, beat me. Oh on the other hand, please don't. My head already tends to explode without someone beating it -_-

Time to lie down, and watch a season of Friends ;p

Ciao ;x

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Weeee <3

Lalalala, weeeeeeeeeee <3
My weekend rocks! So... that's it for now ;]

Friday, February 17, 2006


I was actually too busy to post anything yesterday. Another miracle ;p I've done a lot yesterday, so I'm actually kinda proud hehe. And today, well today I woke up at 8 AM. And that hasn't happened in a long time. A very long time. Not that I like it, I never liked doctors :\ But I got to go anyway.

And tonight, tonight I'll be in the arms of my beloved bf again. :] Finally...

So this day is going to rock anyway, and the next 2 days will rock as well ^^ So see y'all in a few days ;D

Lalala, weeeeeeeeeeee ;D

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Motivation ahoy!

Thanks to the one that made this pic for me ;p
I can use stuff like this ;p I know what I'm doing, and I know I'm walking in the right direction. I've got to keep it up. Motivation ahoy! I'M DOING GREAT!!!
Yes, I'm proud of myself. Something wrong with that? No? I thought so :]

Let's do something useful today ;D

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another day in paradise...

This day wasn't a wonderful day either. But I did do something at least. I woke up today not cause my new bought alarm works wonderfully well, but because a friend came barging in telling me the good news: "n00b is lost". n00b is my cat btw. When one of our friends left this morning, she didn't close the door to the livingroom. And as the window was open wide, n00b saw a once of a lifetime opportunity. So she spent the entire morning, skipping on the roof, watching all the incredible things she has never seen before. Listening to all the sounds she never heard before. Ducking whenever a bird flew over. Must've been great. She was all hyper when we finally saw her, and were able to get her back in side again. I actually thought I'd lost her. But that _thank whoever_ wasn't the case.
Hmm, 5 days without IRC and online games so far. Go me...

And another day down the drain

Monday, February 13, 2006


This day totally sucked so far. I wasn't able to get up in time, as I couldn't get to sleep last night. I went to bed pretty early, but just couldn't sleep. When I finally fell a sleep, I only had 2 hours of sleep left. But of course I just slept right through the alarm. So it was too late to do the things I wanted to do. I decided to buy myself an alarmclock. A loud one. I hope it works cause this just plainly sucks.

Alright, it's time to cook :\ Wish me luck -_-

/me sings: I wish you were here

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I feel like a total housewife atm. Not desperate though. Doing the laundry, cooking, there aren't many things I hate more. But after today, I must admit that it gives me a slight feeling of satisfaction. There I've done something useful today, it's a miracle. The only thing I still need to do is cleaning. I wonder if tomorrow will be a good day, like today. It'd better be a good day. And if not, then it'll be "get of yer lazy arse for once!" all over. That's me talking to myself. A couple of years ago, they asked me if I thought I would be able to motivate myself when needed. I said I probably couldn't. So now's the time to find out.

Let's do it.

Sunday, Bloody Sunday...

I feel the urge to click on my roommates' active IRC-client. I'm bored. I can't do anything as my roommate is still asleep. So can't play piano, or guitar, or watch tv etc. So basically I'm forced to blog. I'm going to kick him in a few though. We agreed on getting up at 1 pm. We both failed. We both suck. It's not motivating I tell you. Alright, time to get up lad. Let's get our fucking arses back to work, and stop the useless whining about being tired. Our own fault, should've gone to bed earlier.

Wakey wakey! Eggs and bakey!

Now then.

And so the randomness continues.

4 pm in the afternoon now, and I only just woke up. Already I'm quite frustrated cause of the fact that I didn't get up in time. This promises to be a wonderful day. A sunday. The day I hate.

Why did I start this blog? Cause I need some place to write down how I'm feeling. You see, three days ago, I made a decision. I decided to quit online gaming (txtbased) and IRC (chatclient). The thing is, that I'm quite addicted to IRC. It all started with the online games ofc, most alliances require IRC activity. So I started using IRC, and got addicted. I was online everyday, all day. It was my own little world, where I happily dwelled, while hiding for reality.

But not anymore, it's time to get my life back on track. Here you can read how I'm doing. And secretly I hope that some of my mates will do the same.

real life, here I come!

And so the randomness begins...

As I'm beginning my first post, my roommate comes back, and claims his pc. Which isn't entirely unexpected as it is his pc. So this will be it for now.

More randomness will come.